Friday, December 31, 2010

An awesome 2010!

During this year I have posted about me, my family, and my daily life.
This is intended to be a journal so that after many years I would remember all these details that made my life so beautiful/hard/frustrating/amazing and above all, full of memories to remember.
As this year approaches its end,
I’m not sure how to resume it.
Ghadi is three years old now, so definitely our relationship is much more different.
The first year was a year of learning… everything was new. It took me long time to cope with the new baby and to have some time to myself…
Ghadi's Echo at 22 weeks
 2 weeks before delivery!
 6 days old Ghadi!

 first visit to Abu Dhabi, 5 months old!
first winter!
First steps!

 The second year was full of struggling, trying to have some control on the toddler who is eager to learn everything, to test our patience, and to capture every single virus from the nursery! A toddler whose greatest fun was to tease us, to do the not-to-do stuff, to say the famous “NO” as a reply to almost every request from us. A toddler who enjoyed time-out and demonstrating tantrums at every occasion!

But I cannot also deny those two years were full of amazing memories as well…
When he first started to talk, I thought: aaah, this is how parents forget all the agony and exhaustion of the first year… when they hear those little words, those attempts and those expressions, there couldn’t be anything better!
but nothing compares to what we are experiencing now.
A three year-old boy, full of affection and love,
Enjoying the pre-school and every single outdoor activity we share…
Riding his bike, playing basketball, baseball, bowling and enjoying all kinds of musical instruments.
Sharing great moments of crafting, reading stories, singing and dancing together.
Definitely this is what make parents forget the terrible-TWO-years-old-stage…

Expecting number two would be the best part of 2010,
My sisters visits and all the good times we spent together are also to remember!
Moments like watching Ghadi riding his first bike, enjoying the Eid gifts, getting into the school bus for the first time are unforgettable.
A French course, reading books more than I did  in the prior couple years, going more to the movies, and starting this blog were my achievements for this year

Now the big question:
My resolutions to 2011?

- Peaceful delivery then quick recovery (physically, emotionally and socially!)
- Trip to Berlin to meet all my dear friends living there
- The typical goal everyone would mention: Eating healthier And Practicing sports (even if it’s a 15 minutes walking daily!)
- Getting a really Big Bookcase for all my precious books stacked insanely everywhere at my house
- Organize (home, digital photos, old stuff, etc, etc…)

And of course I have other goals, which are somehow too personal to publish, and which have spiritual aspects, hoping that I will be able to achieve them all.
May Allah guide me through all the coming years
to do the best for me, my family, my friends
to be worthy the loving and caring I’m receiving every day of my life,
and to thank Him day and night for all this blessing  

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A pleasant day at the kitchen!

Last week Ghadi insisted on making Biscuits aux Chocolats with mommy,
and he wanted to HELP!
It was fun 
and I must say he was behaving well and he applied all my instructions exactly!