Thursday, December 22, 2011

A story that will never end...

Ghadi and his cars is an endless story, a post that will keep repeating year after year! :)
I love the fact that he loves playing with his cars.
it's stimulating and way better then watching TV or jumping on my bed...

but the amazing fact is what i discovered lately,
the fact that he has a very precise memory about every car, its color, model,
so if u closed his eyes and took away one of these, 
in one look, he'll tell you which one is missing!

I think this is normal for his age...
and I think it's awesome!

ready for the Grand Prix!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

About how to please kids and Bad Decisions

Sometimes we tend to please our kids
We THINK we are doing the thing they mostly like
We ASSUME it IS what they will enjoy…
Well, sometimes we think wrong…

During my parenting years, it has happened several times
and too bad it is still happening
(hope this will stop someday and I will become emotionally smart enough to undertsand their needs and what would REALLY make their day)

The origin of this post is what has happened yesterday.

It was holiday, we were at home, ghadi playing with his cars…
After lunch, I insisted that i want to take him to a nearby mall where they were displaying real sizs Flash-Macqueen
Yes, the real car coming all the way from disney (that was was written in the Ad)
I KNEW he’ll be thrilled.
And above that, I convinced our neighbors to come with us so the it’ll b more fun for all kids!

As we saw the car, Ghadi was thrilled ...
for like 5 seconds…

No, thrilled is too much...
he was like standing there, looking at something new, but NO signs of excitement or fun or a WAW expression…
I was qeen to take a picture
He was unwilling to stand and rest…

And then it happened…

Behind the car
There was a full stand of Disney toys, with all kinds and all sizes of CARS characters, in huge boxes with remote controls!
Kids ran to the stand and Ghadi was standing there, seeing tens of Francesco and lightning Macqueen and other racing cars
He simply wanted to have them all,
To open all boxes,
Play with all the cars…
and I discovered how naiive I was
And how easily we can be driven to just commercial attraction…
Ghadi isnn’t the kind of boy who likes to manipulate cars from distance… he loves rolling cars with his own hands…
And from my experience with cars with remote control,  I knew that buying him such expensive one is meaningless, it’ll only last few minutes before he starts rolling it with his hands
As he had done in many cases before…
Besides, I felt angry at Disney because this stand shoudn’t be there at first place…
I mean many people came to this public place to show their kids the real-size car with no intention to spend money or to put their kids in front of such seducing stand! It was there just to force parents to get a car any kid wouldn’t resist!
 So,  It took me a HUGE effort to convince him not to buy one
And another huge effort to convince him to go back home…
On the way back, Y.B insisted Ghadi should come play with him in his house…
I agreed… and their laughs was filling the house in no time…
And I looked at them and saw how happy they were …without Huge cars, or the Mall frustrations, or the temptation of expensive toys… or all those “NOs” and “PLEASE HOLD MY HAND”s and “DON’T RUN AWAY”s and all other expressions I had to repeat 100 times whenever I go to the mall with ghadi!

And I realized I should be smarter in the future and do the things he would REALLY appreciate and enjoy…

after one hour playing at our neighbor's house,
one last HUGE effort to convince him to go back home… 
***end of a combo-frustrating-Macqueen-ish-day***

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Perfect Trio!

How many times am I gonna say this:
these are my favorite trio!
I love every bit of  them
ah So many cheeks to eat! :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fairuz Concert, a Lebanese Manifestation, a Dream comes true!

Last year I have tried my best to get tickets for Fairuz Concert... in vain.
tickets were sold in no time, and I ended up watching photos and YouTube shots (with wet eyes..ehhh)
Fairuz, the Lebanese Diva, is again in concert this year...and I acted much cleverer than the year before.
I contacted Jamil's nephew, L.K., who happens to work just beside the ticketing box office, he contacted his friends, and we managed to get two tickets... yes, two of about 3000 tickets (per night!)
We attended the Concert last night.
and I cannot even describe how I felt. I don't want to sound like i'm exaggerating, but I've been hearing her songs, plays and music for 35 years, and being able to attend her concert is simply... Something!
while she sang my favorite songs, like "Sabah w Masa" I was just floating in space, time and memory...
it was overwhelming and different than any other emotion I have ever experienced in my entire life...

Now away from this dreamlike world, and Back (with a slap sound) to the real life, I was disappointed by two things:
1- It was not well organized and the stage was not at all up to my expectations... I know, she needs no cinematographic background but surely she deserves a better setting and a better orchestra and even a better choral... 
2- She sang for relatively very short time...I mean, people came across the whole region to see her singing... she started late and finished on time!
on the way back home (a one hour car trip) I have even put her latest CD cuz i felt like craving for more of her voice!  
3- Lebanese audience is so embarrassing!
surely Not all of them, but at least 70% of the audience were applauding almost the whole time!
while the music was playing, while she sang, at every song...
I understand they are showing love and respect, but come'on...
PLEASE my boys: do NEVER applaud while a singer or a musician is playing music!
it is so irritating...
4-AND do never sing along when he/she is singing a romantic song!
the girl behind me accompanied her singing with a loud ugly voice almost all the time...
I was gonna shout out loud asking her to stop!
we wanted to hear Fairuz's voice!
these last two rules should be handed to people entering any Lebanese stage...
Too bad i know, 
but all this couldn't stop my excitement, my pleasure and the weird tickling I felt in my heart, sitting there, hearing Fairuz, LIVE!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Collecting Autumn leaves.. and Snails - part II

the next day of our trip to Bekaa started with a clear blue sky and an amazing shining sun...
yes, no need to explain, you get it all in this gorgeous smile!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Collecting Autumn leaves.. and Snails - part I

Two weeks ago we did a 2 days trip to a country club at Bekaa area... 
It was stormy the night before,
and as we arrived it was already raining

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Adha 2011 - Special by all means

The Adha Eid this year was a bit different...
or let me say that the Autumn season wasn't totally friendly to me and my family...

Episode one: November brought the Otitis Media inflammation in Ghadi's mid ear...
something we've already endured while Ghadi was one year old / November 2007...
couple days before Eid, he had severe pain, waking in the middle of the night crying and he started to raise the TV volume and to talk in a (really) high voice...
Evidently typical symptoms, and he had to take antibiotics and three other medications.
(this was suffocating me, i'm the kind who hate medications, pills and syrups, and hate giving them to my kids, and i struggle all the time with doctors to minimize or even avoid doses) 
this was just couple days before Eid
so I hardly found time to decorate the house (no mood for shooting though!)

Episode two: at First Eid day I had suddenly a horrible pain in my ear, turned out I was also having a severe inflammation in mid-ear...
-weird coincidence,eh-
the good part was that I really felt what was Ghadi feeling... this made me realize how painful it is.
the bad part is that I had hard time having to smile to people and exchange greetings and dress kids and take them out while I was having hard time dealing with pain killers and antibiotics!

Now the bright part of this Eid was my younger sister's visit!
yes, she came couple days just to enjoy the Eid with us.
it was SO fun and we spent great time together. Ghadi went to the airport with me.
the Airplane didn't arrive on time, so we spent about 40 minutes waiting.
the first 30 minutes went fine, while Ghadi was playing with downloaded educational games on my phone.
the next ten minutes were like real hell...
Ghadi starting his bad habit: running all over the waiting hall (which is HUGE and crowded)
refusing to stop and refusing to stand still until my sis appeared (Thank god) and we headed home!

last week Ghadi had same symptoms (again) just to find out he is having another inflammation in the same ear... 
We'll have a visit to another doctor today because during our last visit the doctor mentioned something about having to insert a tube in his eardrum if it persists...i certainly didn't like the idea at all which drove me to consult another doctor.
by the way, Sary is having severe flu since 12 days now...
It is his first flu ever...
November...You were not friendly... not at all... sniff sniff .......
Hello December.....(with a bright smile, eyes flashing with hope, and a heart full of optimism!)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Funny Facts - 01

Funny Facts about Sary:
1- He hates to play with HIS toys and adores playing with his BROTHER'S toys!
I suppose this is normal and intuitive that he is attracted to the toys he is NOT allowed to play with
so last night I spotted him reaching Ghadi's drawer
it was like finding Treasure Island
A drawer full of tiny colorful pieces....waw

I sneaked at his brother (who usually jumps and gets angry and doesn't allow him to get near his stuff)
and my big boy was peacefully sitting in his bed reading....

and the little chick knew it is the perfect chance to grasp a look at these magical drawers!

I approached and he saw me
and he looked at me with those innocent eyes (knowing that he was doing something wroooong)
"hey mom, you know it's rare for me to get that near so let me play calmly and benefit from those precious bro will finish reading soon
and then...
may God help me!"

Friday, December 2, 2011

Rhythms of my life- part 1

No this is not the title of a song, but of a really long post!
I Was thinking too much lately about this crazy life
And the change I experience everyday
And I know that it is a BLESSING from God

I can not imagine myself living a routine, of any kind!
It suffocates me and brings me crazy!

And I am not gonna write about 35 years of nonstop marathon
But I would love my kids to know more about me
About this human being hovering above them day and night

So why not starting by documenting one typical day
One normal –like –any – other – day of my life now?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cheesy Smile!

Obviously ALL Preschoolers have the same-cheesey- smile when asked to pose for a photo
here is Ghadi with the lovely Diva Lilia.N.
Both were impatiently waiting to play: Ghadi wanted to show her his toys and she was eager to explore them! 
and WE wanted to take a photo!
so parents, want a smile? NOW? 
and here it is:
the famous lovely teeth faking a bright smile :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bedtime has never been BETTER!

Ghadi insists on me to put his brother in bed next to him...
they both enjoy the cuddling and I feel i'm on the seventh cloud
it's so inspiring to see them both laughing and having fun!
and I have no clue why the photos are rotated but have no time to fix this now so bare with me and tilt your heads to see those cute boys !

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sary's First Tooth...

This was taken last Saturday while celebrating Sary's first tooth.
actually it appeared 2 weeks ago, and
yet no photos for this tooth up till now!
we had a big gathering and I made the "snayniyyeh" 
a traditional wheat dessert made specially at this occasion!
Ghadi seems to enjoy more and more family reunions
He had great time with his cousin/neighbor/mate and lovely friend Y.B.
they are amazing now while playing together, no more fighting & crying scenes!
Love those boys!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Amazed by Focus Light?

Sary always seems to be amazed by the little focus red light of my cam/mobile
this is cool it makes him pose even for few seconds!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Trip to South Lebanon - Maroun El Ras

again, Mira organized and very nice family trip to the south
an area called Maroun El Ras
at the frontier of Lebanon

it was a pleasant Journey
Ghadi enjoyed chasing the ants and playing with his cousins
we enjoyed the weather, the barbecue!
and Sary enjoyed the cuddling and hugging from ALL his cousins the whole day!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saj Breakfast!

A Super-yummy-delicious
Saj breakfast at our Jamil's cousins' house
thank you G&R.S for this cute morning
Menu included: Zaatar, cheese, and of course Delicious Nutella Saj manakish!

Friday, November 18, 2011

The right Toy for the right Age!

Ghadi gets many gifts/ toys
Especially form my sisters
And it happens that some of these toys are for older age
So I get used to hide them and keep them for later times
And it happens that I find him digging in these stuff
And most of the times, he picks just the right toy
And he starts playing
This is so cute
Just like this puzzle my sister brought last summer
It is so nice, wooden and simple
At that time, he was throwing pieces everywhere and not having the patience to search and visually connect the pieces together.
Yesterday, he got it, opened it, sorted it out, I helped him a little but he was able to finish it by himself
And I cannot tell how much he felt proud of himself!

I also feel happy when I see him digging in his OLD toys, and playing again with the same toy finding new way and new concept
Some toys are made to accompany the child through many years, adapting to his development and his needs…
 Like this alphabet train
We used to handle it as just a train, attaching the wagons and rolling in the house
Last week, he brought it and he paid attention to every letter attaching them in order and having so much fun searching for the missing ones.
Thank you sisters
For saving me the pain of searching for such creative toys!
Love your ideas and your choices!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sary fighting for his Book!

Sary has a book (a gift from my sisters of course)
He started to fight to get his stuff from his brother
now it sounds so evident
but at the time i was watching him struggle and crawl and fight to get the book from his brother
it was an amazing feeling!
a great milestone for this cute baby
who doesn't seem as possessive as his brother and accepted to share the reading with him! :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ghadi is 4!

Many photos showing the celebration
and yet a long post soon to describe all the overwhelming feelings at this special day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Son wasn't invited to my Wedding!

How did it begin?
Ah I was driving ghadi to school today (a strike prevented public – and school- buses from rolling the streets-
Gahdi was somehow excited
He sat in the front seat (yes, I know it is wrong, but I prefer seeing him seated with seatbelt on in front, than having to ask him to sit down, stay away from windows, put back seatbelt in the back!)
So,  We were talking
And he asked if I’ll pick him up at noon
And I explained to him that I won’t be able to do that cuz I have to go to work
Then he said: (and here is the keyword that started all that): inti w …rof2atik?... (you and your colleagues?)
And I was like pleased to hear him picking the right word
Me: yes!
Ghadi: w min ekhwetik?
Khalto jumana w khalto hala
W min khayyik?
Khalo jihad
Ghadi: w ana w sary … wledik!... (again, proud of himself for picking the right designation!) ( sary and I are your sons)
Me: Exactly, bravo!
Ghadi: and what is jamil (he means how does he relate to me)
Me: Jamil is my husband!
Why? Because you married him?
And u had big party?
Then in a REALLY sad voice?
W ana wein kinit???????????? Leish ma shifitkon?
He was almost about to cry
And by the time I got what he was saying I couldn’t help myself and I was laughing out loud
And it didn’t help cuz still he needed an explanation!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Summer Camp 2011- my sweet Cowboy

this bunch of photos is just to document the lovely summer camp of 2011, 
Ghadi went daily to the "Colonie" 
and spent amazing time!
the End of Summer party included a dance by Categorie B10, 
featuring cowboys
 it was Awesome!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Al Fitr Eid - Day III

On the third day we went to down town
the Eid- ramadan decorations were very nice
and kids enjoyed the beautiful weather and the festive environemnt

and this huge smile was worth all the effort we made through this holiday to make it a really special Eid!