Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why does it happen ONLY on a Sunday morning!

I loooooooooooooove it when Ghadi wakes up at 6:00 on a Sunday morning (And I have to mention that it happens ONLY on a Sunday morning! any other morning we should have a fight to wake up at 6:00)
BUT on Sundays, and for a mysterious law of nature, he wakes up all alone, full of energy and he comes and join us in our bed...
Then he starts rolling over, I bet him for a hug and he surrenders and gives me a 2 seconds hug!
He turns to his father and try to wake him up...
then he hides under the covers and plays the fish and shark game with us... (he is the fish, and evidently Jamil is the big shark who should find the fish, then EAT it!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Abstract Ghadi of course!

Ghadi just LOVES to hold my phone and start shooting and taking photos...
the other day I spotted him shooting himself so I firmly explained that he should close his eyes when he does so cuz flashlight may harm his eyes...

not a bad result at all!
the above image is without cropping nor editing
I LoVe it ! :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Questions... That need to be answered!

- mommy.... why I was little??????
" mama. leish ana kint th'ghir???"

- hmmm... (rolling eyes)... hmmmm... (searching for Jamil to save me)..... hmmmm.....
because we all start as little then we grow up...

- Why is that so????

-hmmmm..... "then with a pitched voice) Jamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.......
Ghadi has some important question for you!

I know that at his age, I must be expecting Lots of these questions and that it is normal...
but hey... never imagined it would be that funny and that scary at same time...
before he slept yesterday he asked from nowhere: " how old is my brother now??????"
just for info his brother is not born yet...
so i was puzzled AGAIN...and changed the subject...but he insisted...I told him zero...
I know it is lame and he wasn't convinced as well...

We were reading a story the other day, there was an illustration of an orange rabbit, with White tail...
Then came the inevitable question: " why is his tail white while he is orange?????"
"I don't know honey..." (I can't tell him he is born like that, he doesn't even know what does the word born means!)

I must read more about this...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A boy's world?

 yes... boys' toys are slowly filling my house and I can't deny it makes me somehow happy!
It's dynamic, and joyful, and though i played with dolls and kitchen sets when i was little, but i can not deny that boys's toys were always tempting for me!
As teenager, I enjoyed baby-foot, and other action games...
During university years, I used to play network games with boys!
Really action / battle / strategy / all other sorts of games... (yes, Mortal Combat and Red Alert among others! I was the only girl, and even I used to win sometimes :)
I'm so happy and grateful I'm surrounded by wonderful boys... that Ghadi is having a brother soon...

And I'll try my est to make it up for that little lady who has no choice but to pull back and play with Lego!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Masterpiece, made of fruits and some "pâte a modeler"!

Ghadi was playing in the living room with his white clay last evening (yes, in the Living Room, it happens sometimes!)
and we were just making balls and such stuff
Jamil and I entered the kitchen  and after couple minutes Ghadi came running, excited, and started pulling our hands to show us his "snowman"
It turned out he made this! and we were so proud of him...
life is really weird...
some simple stuff like that make me really forget all the hard time I spend crafting and creating with my boy...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Quality time with Ghadi, a Must...

During the month of January I have tried to pass as much as I can some Quality time with Ghadi...
We attended concerts, we crafted and painted...
I hope i will always be able to spend such time with him after the new baby comes...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sun+cool breeze+warm weather = A unique January morning!

surely January could not pass without a fresh early morning at Manara, especially when the weather is soooo nice, the breeze is so cool, and the little boy is soooo ready for a looong bike ride!!!

A sunny winter day, definitely not to be missed!

A sunny day in January?
what could be better than a day in the park!
Ghadi was so excited, and courageous!
He enjoyed the Trampoline so much... 
At 4:00 afternoon we were all exhausted, we decided to go home, then the plan was switched to going to a restaurant, counting on the fact that Ghadi would fall asleep and we  may have our dinner in piece, while he sleeps on the long couch...
Surely and following the laws of nature, Ghadi slept the second he was put in the car seat, then he woke up as we were laying him down beside us at the restaurant.
And definitely he was in BAD mood, exhausted, hungry and unwilling to cope with us or eat or sit or go back to sleep...
It wasn't the best dinner but the day was so nice that we decided to skip this part and enjoy the photos and all those happy smiles on this happy face!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Imad's Visit!

Imad, my sister's husband living abroad made a short visit to Beirut in January!
Ghadi was so happy and kept on asking why his aunt and cousins didn't come as well!
He acted like a cute boy, giving HUGS and KISSES to Imad unconditionally...
Which is not his typical behavior believe me!
I'm his mOm and still I beg for a hug or a quick kiss...
do I sound Jealous????
How couldn't I be seeing those amazing cuddles and hugs!

 the "good boy" expression (rarely caught on cam!!!!)
Imad returned home having Ghadi's list of awaited gifts including racing cars and other boyish toys!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Waking up to school...

just a typical seen of how we wake up to school every morning!
(accompanied by shouting: TURN OFF THE LIGHT!!!!!... TURN OFF THE MUSIC!!!!...
baddi neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem (wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep)
and when I leave the room he digs himself under the pillow/covers again...
and the story goes on... :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Eating OREO... A story that should be told!

We were obsessed about eating Oreo, every afternoon... opening the biscuit, licking out the creme, then eating the biscuit (or throwing it away)
Then Ghadi had to brush his teeth and every time he was amazed about that black stuff coming out of his mouth
Until 2 weeks ago, he went to the dentist with his class
and THANK YOU MR. DENTIST, Ghadi was completely convinced that sucettes are REALLY BAD for our teeth, and he rejected the Oreo as well!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Starting 2011, with laziness...and a bit of excitement!

It’s been long time since I wrote
Ghadi started this year by being the cutest kid ever
He’s getting so sweet and so lovable
And I think
That all those naughty acts toddlers do, are just a mercy
So that the love and tenderness we feel towards them won’t blow up our hearts!

In January he had a light ear infection, having high fever for two consecutive nights.

I’m extremely busy by arranging and having some make over for the house
Ghadi’s new room was installed just on the new year
And since then it’s been a total chaos in bedrooms.
Now the situation is getting better
And we are starting to feel the excitement of the new baby coming on the way.

Ghadi is coping well, waiting also for his brother
“khayye” as he says in a heart-melting way
Whenever  I say:
Mummy loves daddy …and Ghadi
he continues:
“W khayyeh” (and my brother!)
So hoping from all my heart that all this won’t turn into jealousy or some unexpected reactions from his side once the baby is among us!
Couple blogs about January will follow as to make up my laziness during this past month!