Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sary is 1, the Gathering!

A first Birthday isn't perfect without a great family gathering!
this is one of the epic -March- events that I want to document...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

No we don't celebrate Mother's Day on April,
But last month I was so lazy, and busy, and lazy
so I'll try to catch up all the previous events in the following posts!

oh March was so great it could beat any other March in my life!
Mothers' Day, Sary's Birthday-the Gathering- my Sisters' visit, our trips....

Starting with Mothers' Day, just like the previous year, 
we celebrated it at Ghadi's school, 
we were invited and all kids were asked to wear white t-shirts

they sang and danced and expressed why they each kid loves his/her mother 
(they were supposed to give many answers, but the dominant statement was: I love my mom because she brings me toys!)

I find it funny how all mothers are up, holding their phones-cameras
take it easy moms, it's just a cute dance!~ 

Monday, April 23, 2012

CARS II and the never ending Iliad !

yes, yes
we are STILL fond of CARS the movie, the Grand Prix
and Ghadi keeps on doing same scenes with his bunch of cars!

and for those who didn't see the movie, 
there's that bad guy, who wants to burn all cars using a laser camera!
and we aretrying our best to find a suitable gadget that would serve as this evil camera
finally Ghadi got his binoculars, (a gift from Aunt J surely)
and it happens that it has like laser light for night vision!
the racing track
the evil guy with his camera!
then the fatal light!
the collision!

it makes me extremely happy to watch him play with such enthusiasm, neglecting all other techno-time-wasting-aspects of our age!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A new Monkey is in town!

Sary's attempts to walk are rated like 3/5
But his attempts to CLIMB and sit on chairs and tables are rated 5/5!
I cannot leave him alone anymore,
in kids room, he climbs the chair,
in the living room, he tries to climb the sofa!

He's a tiny cute monkey my baby monster!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

At last, Sary is holding a Book!

I always tend not  to compare Sary and Ghadi
anyways they are completely different! in character and in shape!
but I cannot help it sometimes...
like 2 months ago when i tried to help Sary hold  BOOK... yes
ghadi was around 9 months old when we used to hold books together and flip pages and look at bright images...
with sary it was a different story! he disn't want to stare at it, he only wanted to EAT them!
and finally, now i can say proudly that he IS interested in books~!
he hold it and stares at photos, he even searches for the paged he likes...
ahhhh....(a sigh of relief and a bright happy heart!)




Saturday, April 7, 2012

La danse des nuages!

*** walking Ghadi home***

 - Hey, mom, look up, the clouds!
 - yes, look how fast they run
 - NOOO, they are are dancing!
-Waw, that's right,
 (kind of proud of his imagination... ima-what?)
- They are practicing for the dance at Mother's day
- oh honey, but Mother's day is over, we celebrate it couple days ago.
-(without even hesitating or thinking and with an impatient tone) NOOOO,
 it's THEIR mother's day... THEY are celebrating it tomorrow!
- Ah, OK, sure...

***end of conversation***

Friday, April 6, 2012

Cheese Vs Chocolate sandwich

- Can I have some chocolate?
- Not before you eat a sandwich.
- Can I have a Chocolate sandwich?
- No... How about  a cheese sandwich?
- Or what?
- Or... labneh sandwich?
- Or what?
- A zaatar sandwish?
- Or what?
- ……………(sigh)………… or .. (running out of patience) a cream cheese sandwish?
- Or what?
- …. I won’t just keep saying options, u have to choose honey. (now really running out of patience, Sary screaming in the background, phone ringing in the far away background--in another world)...
- Listen mommy, we should continue until we reach 100! (so excited!)
- (Rolling eyes) sorry?
- you keep saying more options now we said: (counting on his fingers) 1,2 3…4
now you should keep on telling options until we reaaaaaaaaach 100 !
- (sigh)
 (about to cry)
(Sary's voice getting higher)
Now how about a Chocolate sandwich?
- OKEY! 
Bravo mama!
(He literally said that!)

Mommy's mission to feed her boy a healthy sandwich: FAILED

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why? Episode Nr.125846

Now Ghadi is a little bit concerned by the  his Grandfather.
actually my father passed away 8 years ago. and when he saw his photo in my mother's room he knew it's my dad, who passed away long time ago...
end of story? nooo, just the beginning:

- why did he die?
- all people will die someday
- nooooooo....

a week later:
-How did my grandfather die?
- he was old
- and why did he die?
- ...
because he got ill (not lying though, my dad had cancer)
-was he shot?
-???? (rolling eyes)
of course not!
- and why did he die?

and just yesterday he knew that our neighbor/cousin/friend N.M is pregnant, I told him that his friend will have a new baby brother or baby sister...
-why? where is the baby?
- it's still a small baby in her tummy...
-and why don't you have a baby in your tummy too?
- I want a baby brother too...
- can we have a baby brother?
- no (yes, simple and plain answer)
-because you already have a brother honey...
- but I want a new one like Yahia...
- it could be a girl...
-mmm.......... no... I wouldn't share my toys with her... ok, i don't want a baby sister!

Otitis, Y U Come back?

After an epic week with my sister and her kids, Ghadi came from school yesterday, complaining from his ear... AGAIN
we thought it would pass, but we heard him just before midnight struggling and crying from pain,
so next is the usual procedure...
called the doctor
Jamil ran to the pharmacy
the recommended pain reliever is not in stock
called the doctor again
Jamil ran to another pharmacy
and Ghadi struggling and trying not to cry...
at last he got the Advil and fell asleep

we'll have to take him tomorrow to the Doctor...
I think that we'll have to get these tubes into his eardrum cuz it's becoming an endless trauma...

Back to last week,
It was awesome by all means!!!
Live Music, a Rahbani Play, Trips to Faraya snowing, to Jbeil and Chair lift in Jounieh, hiking in Zgharta... 
and above all, amazing time and hanging out with my lovely nieces!
all details and photos will follow this week...
here's a sneak peak of our hiking in Zgharta - north lebanon

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Cake & lots of Whipped Cream!

Ghadi & I had great time last week,
we baked a cake together
and Ghadi was a great help
while Sary watched calmly
I had to go to the kitchen while we were adding the whipped cream
when I came back, traces of cream where on Ghadi's face
I asked him if he tasted the cream, he said noooooo
& he posed for a photo  
(which is unusual! maybe to distract me)
then I told him it is OK, he can taste it! 
& it was definitely yummy!