Last Sunday we made a nice trip to the Teleferique at Jounieh bay north of Beirut
The weather was so nice and the company was great!
A vos marques, prêt, partez !
Boys were extremely excited and while we were waiting for the tickets, they were watching the cabins,sliding magically on the cables, counting, naming the colors... They were simply impatient and so willing to get in one of those flying boxes!
So in an attempt to distract them,
i begged them to pose
So I could take couple photos
Which was NOT as easy as i thought!
when one of them smiled, his cousin frowned, and when both smiled, camera was not ready
Finally we had our tickets and the journey from the coast to the 650m high mountains inside the small telecabin began.
It was so exciting to see the expressions on his face while we started to go higher
He was so happy (and so willing to smile to my camera!!)
We continued traveling between the existing buildings, and the pine forest mountainside

then the second part of the journey continues in a Funicular traveling along cable way,
once again Ghadi was so happy and he called it a train!
with a superb view of the coast!
On our way back, Ghadi kept on asking his father to bring him back to the teleferique, on another day…
which we promised to do, just to see this amazing smile!
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