Monday, May 30, 2011


 I think it IS time to post about Cars
Not any cars, but that “Cars” movie by Walt Disney
Years ago, when I saw the ad of this new cartoon movie, I thought: who on earth would go to the movies to watch talking cars with weird eyes
(though being a Huge fan of all Disney movies)
Now, I have  to admit that I watched this movie more than 20 times… and yet I may be watching it more in the next months-years… nobody knows
Ghadi is like any boy, has a collection of small cars
So when he first saw this movie, it was like a whole new world for him.. and since then, we are obsessed with all the characters, Flash Maqueen and his friends
Now I can repeat some scenes by heart
And watching it synchronized in Egyptian dialect makes the whole thing funnier

Ghadi began repeating his favorite scenes with his own cars
Especially when bar’e benzene (Flash Macqueen) looses track of his fellow truck who (allow mw to use who- these are talking cars after all) continues his way to California without noticing that bar’e benzene is left behind
All this introduction is to point out that 2 days ago, I noticed the truck under the TV station
yes..there it is 
 on its way

I thought it was there by mistake and I wanted Ghadi to take it back to his room
I asked him this several times
Then at last he looked at me and said: I can’t… it’s on his way to California!
 and this is the "real"truck
And another related issue, is that after I noticed that his excitement for reading stories is much less than before, I went to the library and bought several –really expensive- books
He was not at all interested
Until I waved with a thin squared story… yes… it was “Cars”
I thought maybe this would encourage him while the others failed
And it DID!
He was so excited
Held the story and flipped the pages and stated to look into every detail of the illustrations…
 his favorite illustration!"
I was happy about that
hoping he’ll be interested again in his books just as he used to be.  

1 comment:

  1. "I can’t… it’s on his way to California!" 2atalteeneh do7ek! love it!
