Thursday, May 9, 2013

What's the best part in a Veggie Soup? - according to Ghadi

During the last 2 weeks, Ghadi had school vacation and he had to stay home since my mom was also away, visiting my siblings abroad...
staying home means having to come up with new activities every day and doing more effort to ensure he's having good times during his free time, and it also means, preparing his daily meal. (which is mom's mission during school days!)
so couple days ago I made vegetables soup, kids usually eat it at mom's...
so Ghadi was eating when he suddenly asked me:
- mom it seems u didn't eat enough vegetables when you were a kid?
I was kind of offended and said: of course I did, why do you think I didn't?
and he replied in his soft convinced tone: because you are too soft mommy!
- ???
- look at your skin and your hands, very soft...unlike you, dad must have been eating lots of fruits when he was a kid... you always say that this stuff gives us the vitamins to grow and build a good body!
I sighed...
 Then I had to introduce human physiology and explain the anatomical differences between men and women... and sometimes, while explaining such stuff, you don't really know when to stop, what is the limit that his brains can handle, is it right or wrong to go through details...and say terms...
after a while, he didn't seem convinced though...
- so all moms have soft hands?
- ....I suppose so...
-...hmm... and mom why didn't you put meat in our vegetable soup?
still surprised by the shift in his questions I answered without thinking:
- because this is "Vegetables Soup!"
- but teta (grandma) adds meatballs when she makes this soup
(now more surprised):
- really? but it is supposed to be only vegetables, that's why it's called veggie soup!
- u know mom? ... well, the best part about vegetables soup, is meatballs...

waw... thank you Ghadi for enlightening me...
so the next time you make a vegetable soup for your kids, think MEATBALLS!

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