Now I'm pretty sure that the maximum joy for these two angels (or monsters, depends...) would be spending time at the Beach!
they love each moment and never get enough!
so the next morning we were all so excited to start our day and to jump in water...
The beach was simply A M A Z I N G!!!!
we enjoyed the waves and there was huge laughter with every single one!
of course Ghadi was busy building his huge "Chateau de sable"
then kids decided that staying simply at the sands isn't enough!
they wanted to go deep into the sea ;)
Jamil was so relaxed, trying his best to keep his eyes on two excited kids while their mother was busy trying to catch as many beautiful photos as she can!
just like this one here
morning serenity and amazing scenery
then finally, we got off the water!
a little nap, then off we went to have lunch at Batroun, a nearby beautiful city.
afternoon we were again ready to hit the pool!

and then at the evening we decided we shall take kids to the small park we spotted the day before
which is about 5 minutes walk from our room
and we were really lucky we did
cuz kids played about an hour (???)
and we can say they slept on the way back!
one more day left in our mini-vacation
one more day to remember!
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