Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Summary of the flying Summer!

I know it's been too much time since I last posted something.
Summer is almost done! couple more days and it's already Autumn!

All that is obvious!
but what isn't obvious is the amount of fun and joy we had during this crazy summer!
as a super quick recap:

*  My sister came  to Lebanon and spent an amazing vacation! i.e. Great time with my nieces (again!), long hours at the beach, so much laughs and tears and emotions!
* Nintendo entered our World, thanks to my sister: Hello Peace!

* Ramadan... and shall I say more? Inner Peace, lovely gatherings, shorter working hours, longer quality time spent with kids... and Happy happy joyful month.
*Summer Camp and an amazing ending party

* this month started as festive as ever:  Eid al Fitr... including Gifts, Fireworks, Family gatherings, and a down side related to Virus attacking the little one causing him severe diarrhea!
*a concert of the spiritual singer Sami Yussuf
* an awesome overwhelming gathering with friends of mine, friends I haven't seen in 8 years!
*funny bath times
*and surely the BACK TO SCHOOL topic!

so I'll be preparing some photos to wrap all this up, hoping that I'll be able to post them soon, along with many cute stories about two little boys, who are filling every second of my life with happiness and reminding me to thank God for his gifts with every breath I take.

P.S : the boy in blue is our lovely cousin/neighbor/friend 
who has a very special share in my heart!~