Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ghadi is 6!

yes, 6 years old!
we are celebrating it at our house, with a small crazy bunch of friends!

will post photos soon...
and will post my yearly letter to this [add all positive adjectives u may find in the whole dictionary] boy!
the 5 to 6 transition year was amazing!
and to all moms of 5 years old: prepare yourselves for an awesome year, for a helpful peaceful cooperative child, who would be ready to do anything to please you!
not only you, but everybody will be amazed by the calm yet crazy kid who would jump and dance and shout and fill your house with police cries and monsters voices and alien invasions, but at the same time who would be super easy and so happy at bedtimes... and always ready to answer you and give you a hand whenever needed!
oh there is so much love in my heart it would simply not fit inside, or here...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Summer Camp Festival 2013 (On va s'aimer) & some other stuff~!

During August we celebrated three consecutive lovely events:
 1- Zeina's 4th Birthday
kids were amazing... Ghadi participated to all games and was adorable.

 Sary behaved so well during meal time that I was able to sit and chat with my friends while he had his dinner like a big boy!

2- Last trip to the beach: it was windy, we chilled and said good bye to the pool without regret ;)

Ghadi showed great courage and  now he can jump and splash in the big pool and swim to reach the pool edge without any help
I was so proud of him!
Sary will learn swimming without any effort next year,I am sure about that!  

3- and of course, just like every summer we attended the entertaining end of summer camp festival 2013  (check previous years here: 20122011)  and it was nice as usual, Ghadi performed a lovely dance and this time, we took Sary who enjoyed it so much that he is still talking about "colonie" and apparently dreams about going there next summer!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

back to Ramadan 2013!

The holy month of Ramadan has always a special Charm, and this year as usual we cherished all the gifts and blessings we had...

we celebrated it during the whole month of August...
and Ghadi started to learn about the meaning of this month... we decorated his room...
and we even crafted a card at the start of the month!

Looking back at Summer 2013!

Today starts Autumn 2013...
It's hard to believe summer is over!
It's harder to believe I still didn't post any photos about this crazy summer... I was about to say peaceful, but no, it doesn't fit now.
I don't talk politics here and I will not start now. I just have to say that this summer was uneasy and brought moments of disbelief that I could raise my kids in this country without having to worry and to endure unbearable stress because of the unstable political situation here and around.

Back to our life and to my little monsters, the more they grow up the lovelier they get and parenthood seems way more exciting and challenging than before!

maybe we spent a lot of time at home during this summer, but I am proud to say that kids adore time spent at home!
they never complain or get bored!
they always have something to do! they transform the tiny little toys into flying characters and play for hours... (and fight and scream and pull each others hair but it's all part of the fun)
I learned now not to run every time I hear them scream (I can tell from the scream itself if I shall run to them or not, if it's only Ghadi taking his toy back from Sary's hands or if Sary is having his leg stuck between the toys :)

Many posts will follow, trying to sum up all events and to close the summer posts series, getting prepared for our second favorite season, hoping it will bring planet earth peace and awareness.

now these are some blurred spontaneous photos taken from my phone about our daily life at home!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

No I couldn't answer this one!

While hugging Ghadi the other day he looked at me and asked:
"mom, why do people close their eyes while hugging each others?"
I just looked at him and hugged him more...and more.. and more
closing my eyes...
 feeling all his love deep in my heart...