Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cheesy Smile!

Obviously ALL Preschoolers have the same-cheesey- smile when asked to pose for a photo
here is Ghadi with the lovely Diva Lilia.N.
Both were impatiently waiting to play: Ghadi wanted to show her his toys and she was eager to explore them! 
and WE wanted to take a photo!
so parents, want a smile? NOW? 
and here it is:
the famous lovely teeth faking a bright smile :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bedtime has never been BETTER!

Ghadi insists on me to put his brother in bed next to him...
they both enjoy the cuddling and I feel i'm on the seventh cloud
it's so inspiring to see them both laughing and having fun!
and I have no clue why the photos are rotated but have no time to fix this now so bare with me and tilt your heads to see those cute boys !

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sary's First Tooth...

This was taken last Saturday while celebrating Sary's first tooth.
actually it appeared 2 weeks ago, and
yet no photos for this tooth up till now!
we had a big gathering and I made the "snayniyyeh" 
a traditional wheat dessert made specially at this occasion!
Ghadi seems to enjoy more and more family reunions
He had great time with his cousin/neighbor/mate and lovely friend Y.B.
they are amazing now while playing together, no more fighting & crying scenes!
Love those boys!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Amazed by Focus Light?

Sary always seems to be amazed by the little focus red light of my cam/mobile
this is cool it makes him pose even for few seconds!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Trip to South Lebanon - Maroun El Ras

again, Mira organized and very nice family trip to the south
an area called Maroun El Ras
at the frontier of Lebanon

it was a pleasant Journey
Ghadi enjoyed chasing the ants and playing with his cousins
we enjoyed the weather, the barbecue!
and Sary enjoyed the cuddling and hugging from ALL his cousins the whole day!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saj Breakfast!

A Super-yummy-delicious
Saj breakfast at our Jamil's cousins' house
thank you G&R.S for this cute morning
Menu included: Zaatar, cheese, and of course Delicious Nutella Saj manakish!

Friday, November 18, 2011

The right Toy for the right Age!

Ghadi gets many gifts/ toys
Especially form my sisters
And it happens that some of these toys are for older age
So I get used to hide them and keep them for later times
And it happens that I find him digging in these stuff
And most of the times, he picks just the right toy
And he starts playing
This is so cute
Just like this puzzle my sister brought last summer
It is so nice, wooden and simple
At that time, he was throwing pieces everywhere and not having the patience to search and visually connect the pieces together.
Yesterday, he got it, opened it, sorted it out, I helped him a little but he was able to finish it by himself
And I cannot tell how much he felt proud of himself!

I also feel happy when I see him digging in his OLD toys, and playing again with the same toy finding new way and new concept
Some toys are made to accompany the child through many years, adapting to his development and his needs…
 Like this alphabet train
We used to handle it as just a train, attaching the wagons and rolling in the house
Last week, he brought it and he paid attention to every letter attaching them in order and having so much fun searching for the missing ones.
Thank you sisters
For saving me the pain of searching for such creative toys!
Love your ideas and your choices!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sary fighting for his Book!

Sary has a book (a gift from my sisters of course)
He started to fight to get his stuff from his brother
now it sounds so evident
but at the time i was watching him struggle and crawl and fight to get the book from his brother
it was an amazing feeling!
a great milestone for this cute baby
who doesn't seem as possessive as his brother and accepted to share the reading with him! :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ghadi is 4!

Many photos showing the celebration
and yet a long post soon to describe all the overwhelming feelings at this special day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Son wasn't invited to my Wedding!

How did it begin?
Ah I was driving ghadi to school today (a strike prevented public – and school- buses from rolling the streets-
Gahdi was somehow excited
He sat in the front seat (yes, I know it is wrong, but I prefer seeing him seated with seatbelt on in front, than having to ask him to sit down, stay away from windows, put back seatbelt in the back!)
So,  We were talking
And he asked if I’ll pick him up at noon
And I explained to him that I won’t be able to do that cuz I have to go to work
Then he said: (and here is the keyword that started all that): inti w …rof2atik?... (you and your colleagues?)
And I was like pleased to hear him picking the right word
Me: yes!
Ghadi: w min ekhwetik?
Khalto jumana w khalto hala
W min khayyik?
Khalo jihad
Ghadi: w ana w sary … wledik!... (again, proud of himself for picking the right designation!) ( sary and I are your sons)
Me: Exactly, bravo!
Ghadi: and what is jamil (he means how does he relate to me)
Me: Jamil is my husband!
Why? Because you married him?
And u had big party?
Then in a REALLY sad voice?
W ana wein kinit???????????? Leish ma shifitkon?
He was almost about to cry
And by the time I got what he was saying I couldn’t help myself and I was laughing out loud
And it didn’t help cuz still he needed an explanation!