Thursday, April 30, 2020

Covid, Lockdown, Zoom!

yes, three terms we have never previously used in our life, and which became on the top list of searched words on google in 2020

At first it was surreal, then scary, then frustrating. nothing would compare to how humanity felt during this period and for the next couple years. lockdown time was a chance to spend more time together as a family, to connect with each other, and with God. To appreciate the things we had, the people we love and care for. Covid made us realize never to take for granted a handshake, meeting with neighbors, the school rush each morning, the gathering at the coffee shop, and the small things that make the everyday life normal.

kids got to know each other

we baked, and baked, and baked!

Creativity at its best

Ghadi learned how to play 14!

more love and tenderness

we gathered to zoom with family and friends

Board games almost every evening
and studying via Zoom

cleaning and sporting was done
more creativity

getting more handsome

we celebrated our neighbor's birthday over the balconies, we did cake, brought balloons and the whole neighborhood heard us singing and joined the party