Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Library Room

When I used to read Agatha Christy’s books, I’ve always stood still when it comes to library rooms!

In my imagination, THE library room was a spacious room; all walls are full of shelved books, including a desk, a ladder, and surely the comfortable leather fauteuil with a lamp by the side.

The scene would be perfect with a sunny window, but for no specific reason, it used to be a somber space  whenever I imagined it.
Then through my life I have seen many examples in the movies, and in real life.
But none of them was similar to MY dream Library Room.

I have been collecting books since I was a little girl.

I have also inherited a huge collection from my father, a journalist who used to travel and work abroad, and with whom I shared the love of my life: books.

At my parents’ house, we had an attic, full of books (probably my mother was annoyed by the never-ending stream of books, so a few found their way to that space above the bathroom).

So one of my favorite memories from my childhood, is when my brother lifts me up to the attic, that dark room smelling like humidity.
Sitting, searching for children books that may interest me.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Scratched Photo Effect!

I was following a tutorial about creating a vintage traveling diary in Photoshop.
After 30 minutes of following links, downloading scratch brushes, using different filters, the result was barely satisfying!
Then I thought, I would never be satisfied as long as I compare the results with original old photos like this one:

2-years-old Jamil - old wooden frame
I love it
and after my hard work on Photoshop I just appreciate it more!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

celebrating Celine's Birthday

Last Saturday we celebrated Celine's Birthday
I was afraid Ghadi may act not quite as I'm expecting but to my surprise he was amazing!
on the way he was claiming that It is HIS birthday,
but then as soon as we arrived, he gave her the gift gallantly, and acted like a prince!
the gorgeous Diva
definitely the girl had a crush on him :)
and he is just ready to kiss back!
I love this couple :)

Mid-Week-Photo 002

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This post is about the relationship between candies and my precious boy...
During his first 2 years, I have tried my best to keep him away from all sorts of candies/sweeties/bonbon/etc...
But as he grows up, he’s realizing that an amazing word of flavors lies behind those bright wrapped objects he sees casually at the store…
And as he is expressing a harsh personality, refusing to give kisses/hugs casually to his beloved cousins/grandpa/etc…, the above mentioned subject has become the number one-most effective way to persuade him to give a hug to nanny, to kiss grandpa, to stay calm in his trolley, to accept to sit still while I chat with my friend at a café…
Yes, we are all colluded in this, in turning him into a candy-addicted toddler!
He started with the made-in-lebanon favorites, like this creamy yummy thing, covered in crispy thin chocolate wrap, made by Ghandour.
Its name was ras el abd (slave's head) then it has been changed recently to “Tarboush” which is more correct due to claims of racism (similar to the German case where "Negerkuss" was renamed to "Schokoküsse")
Then I was curious and eager to offer him my FaVorite bonbon: the PEZ! 
And I can tell you he DID like it! 
then I tried to make him suffer the taste of some flu-candies as I call them, like the Holz, Polo, thinking that he might hate the taste and drop it…but actually he liked them as well and I even heard him crushing them between his tiny teeth!
and then he's now into all kind of unhealthy sugary teeth destroying treats (from chupa chups to mentos!)
I know, it’s not right…
Now I admit it and I am fully aware of the consequences, this is why I took the decision yesterday, to have control over this situation and to go back to dry fruits, corn flakes, healthy biscuits and fresh juice!
Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mid-Week-Photo 001

There's a proverb that says: "just like Wednesday in the middle of the week"
this proverb is basically wrong, since that referring to working days, our week consist of 6 days,
& the middle would be something between Wednesday and Thursday!
so every week I'll try to post two photos
just between Wed. and Thu.
I can not promise It will always be great
but this will motivate me to work on some worthy pics 
to post on a mid-week-evening
in Macro (Al Amin Mosque, down-town Beirut, Tuesday 8 June 2010, 23:00 PM):
And in Micro (just a leaf that had fallen from my office plant, Wednesday 9 June 2010, 13:00 )

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Anniversary celebrated at Yuppie Park!

Last Sunday was the fourth Anniversary of our Official Engagement - Commitment
I chose to celebrate it in a "family day out"
there was so much laughter and playtime, and i'd never have asked for more!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Little boy? not anymore

Q.: how do you know/confirm/realize that your little boy is a grown, real BoY and not a baby toddler anymore?
A.: when he plays his first street football match with boys double his height!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cool & stress-free visit to Dentist?

The idea of managing such a stress-free visit to the dentist is ridiculous and imaginary!
I would never be able to do that
In fact,
Many things change as we grow up
Many horrible visions and scary situations turn to be silly, minor and even insignificant!
But “going to dentist” remains “going to dentist”  
It happens every time,
Whenever I have to go to dentist, I wake up with an awful mood,
Feeling sick
unable to focus
My brain starts to send signals
Weird signals
Which make my heart beat faster, my knees slightly tremble, and my stomach ashes
I hated it when I was little girl
I still hate it
And I will always will
This is what I call determination!

Friday, June 4, 2010

A GARDEN SHOW in Beirut?

Q.: What’s intriguing about a garden show in Beirut?
A.: the fact that "flowers/plants/anything green" are just about 10% of what is exposed at this show.
It’s all about companies and brands selling over-expensive items, external furniture, weddings organizers,  food, food & food at every corner!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

just another lovely morning at Manara!

I simply can’t resist a peaceful morning at this lovely pedestrian coast road in Beirut!