Thursday, March 28, 2013

About pets and decisions...

Ghadi is having great love for pets now...
every other week, he brings two little turtles from school...
and yesterday he asked for a puppy...
he said with his wide eyes full of innocence:
"I wish we could bring a little puppy, I loooove puppies..."
I gazed at him and said quietly: "unfortunately we can't bring a puppy... our house is too small, and most of all, we don't have a garden... a dog needs to be raised in house with a garden so he can feel free and he can have his own little house...-then inside my head I continued: besides, I hate dogs, and cats and all kinds of pets and don't you dream of raising any in MY house...except for a fish maybe, which we already had 2 years earlier-..."
He paused, then with all the confidence in the world he replied, probably to what I didn't say aloud:
"when I grow up_aaah, here we begin..._ and when MY son asks me for a puppy...I will buy it for him... directly..."
and I was like: "hey you big boy, are you trying to manipulate me???" that was inside my head...again...
then I stayed in control, saying with the same confidence: "then you will have to be a really brave guy, and try to get yourself a house with a garden, cuz a dog needs a garden...."
did I make my point? surely I doubt I did!!!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

3rd Bloggoversary!

3 years ago, I posted for the first time, celebrating the arrival of Spring, which was phenomenal,
just like this year,
and last year,
and every single year...
Spring arrives and one can't help the overwhelming excitement whenever you see those red Coquelicots popping up at every corner!
The fresh breeze, and that feeling when you finally put all your woolen pullovers in laundry, just before throwing them away in that high cabinet, saying see you next winter, with that evil smile!

Even kids seem to blossom at the sight of that blue sky and Sary is now enjoying a daily promenade at the nursery garden, while Ghadi is reporting every day, the preparations for the mother's day celebration.

I hope this spring will come with the whole package... Happy weather and happy moments...
and I hope that all my efforts to share my rants and raves here are in some way useful to somebody...
they are of great value to me, because it is my way to express, to vent and to document my crazy life raising those two boys and trying to maintain a self balance, a peaceful rhythm, and a warm big heart to fit all the tremendous feelings for the people I love, the people I miss and for this Kinder surprise called Life!

Tree of Life - Gustav Klimt

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mom I'm a Zombie... a 5 year old one!

At the age of 5, boys seem to grow up at a fast pace, that you can hardly follow and you most likely won't be able to act accordingly (especially if you are a "mom" not a "dad"!

Ghadi came back from school two days ago, so excited by the new game they were playing at school recess... it was Monster Zombie...
"what?" I asked in the most tolerate tone I could maintain, trying not to show how freaked out and shocked I've been...
then he explained it was about zombies, who first run as normal people, then his friend Adam, comes and cut his head (????) then he falls down (imitating the sudden fall while trembling all his body and showing his tongue) then he wakes up again this time as zombie (logic!) then he runs after his fiend, this walking slowly as dead people (how exactly?) laying his hands straight in front of him, closing one eye, humming in a loud voice!

ok, that was beyond my understanding as a mom of a 5 years old, who hates horror movies, who watched zombies for the first time at the age of...22 (aka resident evil), so the first I wanted to do was seeking help... which meant running to Jamil, and ask him: do you, BOYS, play zombies and walk like dead people at the age of 5???? is it Normal???
cuz I don't want to suppress my boy's enthusiasm and act as a mom who is not "cool" enough to laugh when her boy (her 5 Year Old boy) explains happily playing Zombies with his best friends...
so all I did was smiling, (that came just after chocking), I nodded my head and asked like it was a super casual unintentional question: "but where did you learn all that honey, we never watched Zombie here at home..."
and he replied, also in the most innocent casual excited tone: "my friend Adam taught me all that!"
and I waved my head, with a big proud smile, saying in a ghostly sound: "waaw... bravo Adam...."