Thursday, January 10, 2013

Guten Rutsch!

While I was in Germany many years ago, I learned a very nice proverb, which you can say on the new year's eve, or when you write about new year in a blog post, 9 days after!

Guten Rutsch ...  that could be translated into
" have a good slide"
or "za7ta mni7a" in arabic where the number 7 is pronounced as a light H...

The German language is rich with very beautiful adjectives, and my teacher used to say it is a language of visualization, where all words reflect an image instead of a thought... which is true!
but I am not here to speak about languages, I just wanted to express how meaningful this proverb is, how it summarizes all our great wishes, -almost impossible- resolutions, our deep reflections and goals for the new year, into just a small wish... have a good slide...
a slide is a transition from A to B
and that is what the new year is really about!

nothing stops, our problems, our sorrows, our projects are all there!
no need for new resolutions, just go on with the old ones, the ones you didn't achieve since couple years now!
no need for new themes, new visions, because they are all there, just let life push you further and throw you forward, while both feet are on the ground, with now broken legs, or twisted arms...

and that is what I am intending to do!
I am receiving 2013, more grateful than ever, more optimistic than ever...
nothing, -like really NOTHING- can defy my faith and my believe that a better future is waiting for me and my beloved ones, and that I should ALWAYS follow my heart.

we all say happy new year...
but Happiness is relative.
and happy moments can be found in the smallest details of our life...
just open your eyes, so you can see it.
I don't deny that these moments might be too short sometimes, or might be hidden behind the clouds that reign our skies in other times,
but I am sure enough, that it will always be there, to boost you with the greatest energy, with the unlimited hope!
and my treasure, which fill me up with that kind of positive vibes, is a bunch of smiles... the smiles I receive from ALL my beloved ones... from my kids, my relatives, my friends, even the smiles I see on old photos, of people who left this place, to a better one... all of this is an unlimited supply of support and love.
and that what will make my slide a very pleasant one, instead of everything!
thank you all for every smile, for it is saved here. in my heart. forever.

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