Friday, May 17, 2013

Don't stop the Music!

Ghadi keeps bluffing me with his questions & comments and requests!
but still I can't deny the fact that 5.5 years old boys rock, you know why?
because simply they are so keen to please everybody around them!
no rebellious acts,
no nerves-teasing destructive plans,
no misunderstandings,
no aggressive answers..
Ghadi even surrenders to any punishment gracefully, and admits it when he commits mistakes!

this is now what keeps my sanity safe when I encounter those non-stop tantrums of my 2.2 years old Sary!
he wants milk, you don't jump on the spot to prepare his bottle? he throws himself on the ground, crying out loud, hitting his foot on the floor so intensely that neighbors living at ground floor can hear them. (we live on 4th floor by the way!)
preparing his bottle, you forget to give him the cap so HE closes the bottle when u finish adding the milk? yes, throwing, crying, hitting floor
you give him the bottle and lead him to his bed, the pillow is not in place? or you changed the cover? ok, you can imagine the third tantrum in a row within 5 minutes...
and don't yo worry, i'm not taking any pills to keep myself from breaking into pieces when this scene repeats often during the weekend...

My reaction to his tantrums is simple application to all the stuff i learned and read about this type of toddler expressions... sometimes I smile , other times I walk away, I even hug him (causing myself severe bumps when he kicks me away, and I'm telling you, this boy will is able to hurt me for real if I didn't pay attention to his reactions! he kicks with his head, with his fists, with his tiny-powerful-feet)..

But to be fair, he was having acute conditions lately, from skin eczema to food allergy, severe constipation, throat infection, mild fever... All this together and he can't even express or figure out what's happening with him! this is why I'm being patient with him and I'm trying to absorb his much as I can!

back to Ghadi,
this almost 6 years old boy, is controlling my car radio, whenever he rides the car with me, he switches between stations broadcasting the mainstream music and refuses to put children songs!
So I decided to arrange a custom-made CD for him including the favorite songs from Movies soundtracks!
here is the list:

*Collision Of Worlds from Cars2
*Hot Wings from  RIO
*I like to move it from Madagascar3
*_this one cracks me up_: Axel F from Monsters Vs Aliens
(they adores that scene when the president plays this music on his keyboard!)
*and finally I'm telling the world also from Rio!

since I got the CD,  the boys didn't stop dancing and rocking at home, and it's a great substitute for watching TV!
couple hours before bedtime...and pouf! they sleep like babies! (insert here that evil laugh of mine!)
ah, but the downside is that I could never resist staying away so I join and I jump and dance,
and it happens that sometimes I hit the bed before THEY do!

Today Ghadi asked me to add other songs
I was more than delighted and asked him which songs he would like me to add
so he said that he has no idea, but I should add the songs I know he'd like!
a Typical male-thinking-attitude!
I'm a supermom, and supermoms always come up with something!

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