Saturday, July 30, 2011

why- episode 2

some of Ghadi's daily questions, repeated over and over again:
Why are you my mother?
Why am I your son?
why is it summer?
Why is it Sunday?
Why tomorrow is Monday?
Why sary is my brother?

then when it comes to CARS, it gets much easier really
at least i have direct replies!
- leish "bar2 benzine"  sari3 ktir? "why is Lightning Macqueen speedy?
- la anno sayyaret siba2! Because it is a racing car
- “leish sayyaret el siba2 btimshi bsir3aaa?”Why the racing car is speedy? 
- La anno douleba kbir…. W bit3abbi benzin ktir (because tires are big... -not convincing enough- and they have lots of fuel.(baaaaaaaaaah, silly answer, can not even convince a toddler!) that why i deserve the next question:
- leish douleba kbir?(why its tires are so big?)
- La anna sayyaret siba2 
looking at me, Ghadi is thinking
looking ta him, feeling so bad that at times like this i have no REAL CONVINCING ANSWERS for evident questions.
I am preparing for an exam, reading reference guides, about 300 pages each, and yet I can not find a simple convincing answer for a preschooler!
this is BAD

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