Sunday, June 24, 2012

Football and the lesson about winning!

I said June was starting great and definitely I was right!
Jamil participated in football team representing their company.
They have been training for almost a month now, and yet they had to play against another team… a team composed of well-trained players who have been training for years now!
Ghadi and I attended the match!
He was thrilled, and to be honest I was way more excited than him!
It was the first time we both watch a game live!
And with jamil among the team, we cheered, we clapped and yelled!
It was hilarious!

The two teams were not equivalent as expected!
The other team had double players, and much better training and perfect performance.

Before the game started I explained to ghadi that both winning and losing are ok!
 And I’m glad I said this because we lost, big time! Something like 21-1!

It was funny and we laughed so much… and ghadi learned the great  lesson: the sports spirit and that it’s ok to lose!

During the game, he looked at me and asked: who is Jamil’s grandma?
I was shocked for a partial second then I answered, it’s the mom of your grandms, Jamils’ mom!
I knew the next question and after he asked it I answered: we don’t know her because she passed away long time ago…
I knew where all this was leading and I got a bit scared!
And then the inevitable question: why did she pass away?
He continued: her life is finished? “kholiss omra?”- in arabic!
I said , hesitating: ye…s
He added: and she was too old?
And here we come:
And where does one go after he dies?
Oh boy..  why is it too hard to answer such a simple question?
To paradise
I said
And what is that?
I was about to describe it but then I thought it’s enough for now.. I didn’t want him maybe to be eager to see this place and to search for a way to go there…
How would a four year old think, we cannot expect!
So it was time to yell: gooooooooooooal!!!!
Oh it’s a goal for the other team (evidently!)

Oh, and Ghadi tried the pop out chupa chups lollipop for the first time, it was a blast!


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