Friday, February 18, 2011

Questions... That need to be answered!

- mommy.... why I was little??????
" mama. leish ana kint th'ghir???"

- hmmm... (rolling eyes)... hmmmm... (searching for Jamil to save me)..... hmmmm.....
because we all start as little then we grow up...

- Why is that so????

-hmmmm..... "then with a pitched voice) Jamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.......
Ghadi has some important question for you!

I know that at his age, I must be expecting Lots of these questions and that it is normal...
but hey... never imagined it would be that funny and that scary at same time...
before he slept yesterday he asked from nowhere: " how old is my brother now??????"
just for info his brother is not born yet...
so i was puzzled AGAIN...and changed the subject...but he insisted...I told him zero...
I know it is lame and he wasn't convinced as well...

We were reading a story the other day, there was an illustration of an orange rabbit, with White tail...
Then came the inevitable question: " why is his tail white while he is orange?????"
"I don't know honey..." (I can't tell him he is born like that, he doesn't even know what does the word born means!)

I must read more about this...

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