Friday, March 19, 2010

Hamra Street

Yesterday Ghadi slept at his aunt.
so Jamil and I decided to indulge ourselves in a nice evening...We went to my favorite street in Beirut: Hamra!
it was amazing, so many people walking around, students, tourist...
mayeb the fact that i lived near this street for more than 8 years is what keeps attracting me to come by, and smell the air... cuz i'm quite convinced that every single street in the world has its own smell, this should be proven scientifically. The smell of stone, green, curbs mixed with the smell of hundreds of kitchens along this street, mixed with layers and layers of street ingredients... Every single store celebrates the air adding its own contribution of odors, scents and flavors.
talking about flavors, we stopped by our favorite resto, the "Crepes Away". it alway sreminds us of that summer night 5 years ago when we first met. we shared the same crepes, the same strawberry and the same flair...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. me ♥ Hamra!!!!
    Helloooo sweetie! I guess you can imagine how glad I was to know you have decided to reconcile with painting… now I’m even happier to see you have started blogging! Love the idea and I’m sure Jinan’s Heart has a lot to offer! Congrats + bear hug! =)

  3. thnak you honey!
    u r among the very few people who inspire me!
    and i'm grateful that you exist in my life :)
