Saturday, December 10, 2011

Adha 2011 - Special by all means

The Adha Eid this year was a bit different...
or let me say that the Autumn season wasn't totally friendly to me and my family...

Episode one: November brought the Otitis Media inflammation in Ghadi's mid ear...
something we've already endured while Ghadi was one year old / November 2007...
couple days before Eid, he had severe pain, waking in the middle of the night crying and he started to raise the TV volume and to talk in a (really) high voice...
Evidently typical symptoms, and he had to take antibiotics and three other medications.
(this was suffocating me, i'm the kind who hate medications, pills and syrups, and hate giving them to my kids, and i struggle all the time with doctors to minimize or even avoid doses) 
this was just couple days before Eid
so I hardly found time to decorate the house (no mood for shooting though!)

Episode two: at First Eid day I had suddenly a horrible pain in my ear, turned out I was also having a severe inflammation in mid-ear...
-weird coincidence,eh-
the good part was that I really felt what was Ghadi feeling... this made me realize how painful it is.
the bad part is that I had hard time having to smile to people and exchange greetings and dress kids and take them out while I was having hard time dealing with pain killers and antibiotics!

Now the bright part of this Eid was my younger sister's visit!
yes, she came couple days just to enjoy the Eid with us.
it was SO fun and we spent great time together. Ghadi went to the airport with me.
the Airplane didn't arrive on time, so we spent about 40 minutes waiting.
the first 30 minutes went fine, while Ghadi was playing with downloaded educational games on my phone.
the next ten minutes were like real hell...
Ghadi starting his bad habit: running all over the waiting hall (which is HUGE and crowded)
refusing to stop and refusing to stand still until my sis appeared (Thank god) and we headed home!

last week Ghadi had same symptoms (again) just to find out he is having another inflammation in the same ear... 
We'll have a visit to another doctor today because during our last visit the doctor mentioned something about having to insert a tube in his eardrum if it persists...i certainly didn't like the idea at all which drove me to consult another doctor.
by the way, Sary is having severe flu since 12 days now...
It is his first flu ever...
November...You were not friendly... not at all... sniff sniff .......
Hello December.....(with a bright smile, eyes flashing with hope, and a heart full of optimism!)

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