Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I have to... keep smiling.

I was really willing to write a cheerful post...
last week, I was trying hard, to think positive, willing to announce that love and family and happy children can help us overcome hard times... I even saw a rainbow in the sky... it made me smile and I was happy like a kid... I don't remember when was the last time I saw a rainbow!

I wanted to beat the fever, the headaches, the heart pain and I wanted to go on...
but then I receive some news...
I may be not able to share them but it squeezed my heart and left me paralyzed.

and once again, Sary gets sick, Ghadi catches a flu...
then runny noses everywhere.
watery eyes
coughing, sneezing, yelling...
and on Monday we had to take Sary for a medical check to be sure that the coughing isn't caused by some bronchitis and it wasn't... it seems the Singulair treatment we started 2 months ago is doing him good and protecting his chest
Ghadi had a crisis on same night, his mid-ear hurt and we had to take him to emergency since that neither Panadol nor Advil helped ease the pain.
and to top all this,Sary wakes up almost every night, with blocked nose and thirsty to milk most of the times..

enough said,
and again, this is not the kind of posts I wanted to write
or the kind of news I wanted to share
but this is how my life looks like right now

as this year approaches its end  I refuse to think of it as a wacky December
it is just life, and life resonates... ups and downs...
and I won't stop the down side.
I'm always happy and I will always be, because I simply don't have the right to complain...
If I look around me, and if I forgot about the runny noses.. I can always see the kids run after each other as they were doing yesterday, laughing, screaming from joy...
I can always hear Sary's laugh when I kiss his feet
and I can always enjoy the amazing character of my older boy, who is growing up so quickly...
I can always feel the support of my Jamil... who is waking up with me after midnight to stand by me while I try to calm down a crying cranky boy...

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