Monday, May 3, 2010

Potty training – Weekend 1

I really didn’t want to write about this but then I thought I should, because i believe that failing is not always bad, and for the reason that Edison’s quote is hung on the screen of my computer for three years now: 
“I will not say I failed 1000 times, I will say that I discovered 1000 ways that can cause failure”
Long introduction for a really long weekend, summarized as follows:
8:00     Excitement (Ghadi without diapers, wearing his first underwear!)
10:00   not bad 
12:00   having played football, basketball, football (again) and having put him on the potty every 15 minutes, asking same question (do u have to pee-poop) every 1-2 minutes:
            Still not bad
02:00   changing clothes for the third time
04:00   Ghadi asleep… I’m not taking any break (arranging summer-winter clothes)
06:00   visiting grandma, showing off with the new boxer, anxious to sit on toilet, just to push the water closet   
            button, and to watch this astonishing mechanism over and over again…        

Day- 2
7:30     Excitement
10:00   changing clothes for the second time
12:00   nap time, though no signs of sleepy eyes
2:00     exhaustion, frustration, diapers back on
3:00     pooped in diaper… without showing any signals and without informing us
            Jamil in charge, talking firmly (with some really-high-tone)
            I felt my heart melting, watching Ghadi reacting in a surprising attitude, raising his head proudly, 
            looking at Jamil, not even blinking, as if analyzing the whole situation...
3:30     pooped for the second time in diapers (You may imagine the above situation, repeated)
4:00     diapers on…
 and on...
and on...
until next weekend
allow me to say: mission failed… 
more or less...


  1. My Adam is turning three in august and he is still wearing his diaper. When I take off his diaper, I don't put any clothes on him. It's enough he pees all over my mattresses and chairs :( But but but, this week he started going to the bathroom and peeing on the floor. I'll take that for now, he'll probably graduate to sitting on the toilet.

    I've tried putting him on the toilet when he starts to make pooping faces, but once I put him on it, he stops and won't go until I put the diapers on again :(

    How old is Ghadi?

  2. Hi Jazzie!
    Ghadi will turn three in September, which makes sense that they both have LOTS in common, lol!
    Potty training wasn't easy, I had two horrible weeks, but consistency is the key!
    I have tried the same regarding pooping and had same result! so best way is to try to put him on the toilet every morning every evening & distract him (by books,toys,etc...)
    this routine will help a lot
    GOOD LUCK :)
