Thursday, April 29, 2010

lesson 1, lesson 2, back to lesson 1!

Lesson 1
Ghadi is Now experimenting the use of the word "sorry"...
He says (or does) something bad (like words he shouldn't say, waiving his hand as if he wants to hit my leg, saying didi, pretending he's throwing the milk on the table, etc, etc...--to the infinity) and after he does this ON PURPOSE, he waits for my reaction in suspense, and the moment i express my anger, 
he looks at me with his wide challenging eyes...and he says:
"mamaaa...(2-4 seconds)...tholly!"
(accompanied by a wicked smile, a blink in the eye, and a really naughty triumphant look), 
fully confident that I'll smile, hug him and tell him sweet things about what a big boy he is (which I used to do when he first learned to say sorry, as to show him the importance of apology... !)

Lesson 2
How can I explain to him now that “sorry” isn't the magic wiper, and that it does not always fix the naughty acts, and that it is just not a run away path from whatever we do....
aaaaaaahh... this is a really deep lesson of life..
and maybe it is too early to start teaching him such lessons...

back to Lesson 1
so until later time maybe I'll just keep on smiling, hugging him, telling him how proud I am cuz he said tholly...!


  1. Oh my GOD, Adam is the SAME right now, he says exactly that "tholly". He says tholly whenever he wants something that he knows we won't give him because he makes a mess with it. Lol. They are adorable.

    But oh my, he heard the "f" word that day in a movie that we shouldn't have watched when he was around, and now he keeps saying it whenever he's angry! :| This is the biggest challenge i
    m having now, don't know how to get him off it.

  2. Try to ignore the whole subject, believe me it Pretend that you are pissed off and use another (appropriate) word, and repeat it...Since that they are SO ready to learn and repeat, I assume he'll replace the old one by the new expression!
