Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Day at Preschool!

Ghadi started preschool yesterday
Yes, we finished the nursery stage and began a new one
A stage that will shape his life for the next 15 year. Therefore choosing the school was not easy at all.
It all started in December 2008! Yes, we made a list of schools we found suitable, sent registration forms and did interviews… it sounds so absurd and so surreal now, I know, for a barely 2 years old!
But here we are
Last week we went for two days, 2 hours adaptation
As expected Ghadi went along well, played and enjoyed his time.

Sunday evening I ironed his apron, and early morning I prepared his sandwich and  put it in his little cotton bag.
We woke up Monday early morning, (really early), prepared Ghadi then we waited for the bus.
At first he was between sleepy and excited.
He enjoyed the idea of going in the bus, but once he was aboard, he returned and threw himself in the arms of his dad crying.
We comforted him and assured him he’ll have fun and then the assistant took care of the rest.
I cannot describe my feelings.
I was about to panic as I saw the bus going with my 3 years old on it!
But this is life…
And we’ve been through all this when we were his age…
Well, not exactly,
My nursery consisted of a sheet of paper, with the alphabet written by my older sister, hanged on the wall at the dining room, and all I remember is me sitting and my sis teaching me with a plastic long ruler pointing at the letters.
when I was maybe 4 or 5, I entered the school at our neighborhood, 8 blocks away, until I was 10 years old, then we had to move and change the school (I changed like 4 schools, because of the civil war, we were forced to move out whenever it got too risky, and consequently change the school)
I used to remember the court as a vast space with huge stairs and Big building…
When we returned to the neighborhood, after 10 years, I entered the school again… out of curiosity, and I was not surprised to find out it just a small one, with small court and normal stairs…
So funny how we perceive the scales differently while we grow up.

Back to Ghadi,
Today was much better, he jumped onto the bus happily, had a seat and looked at us proudly!
Again, I cannot describe my feelings…
All I can say is May Allah protect him and offer him the best these years may bring.

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