Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Ghadi!

Three years ago, exactly at this time, 16:20, I was giving birth to the boy who became the center of my world, the source of my joy and the inspiration of my whole life…
Eight months before that date, I discovered I was pregnant. We spent two nights with our eyes wide open, the idea of having a baby was as beautiful as frightening!
The world will not be the same, our life will not be the same…
The days went smooth and delicately we saw the baby grow from an alien-looking fetus to a complete baby inside my belly, and at the end of the eighth month he decided it was time to kick it and see the world we used to describe while he was inside…
Yes, he wasn’t patient enough to wait for another four weeks, and so it did happen when we didn’t expect it…
And he was born, on Friday, Ramadan 16th, September 28th, a healthy tiny 2.6 kg baby…
My dear Ghadi…
I held you in my arms and you were so tiny I couldn’t kiss you, or hug you, but you opened your eyes and you looked at us…
Then after all family members and friends left, your dad and I asked for you, and the nurse brought you, and we starred at you for long moments, celebrating every wink, every breath and even that little smile we thought we saw!
These were our first moments as a family together!

Then days, months, and years passed, and every day is a new celebration…
Every moment is so special and so precious…
I can hardly believe that you are an independent three years old boy now!
You are starting to ask questions! (who brought this to me, why this happened, where is dad, what is teta doing now!!!)
You started preschool
You are sleeping on time at your room
and you still have your say, you do what you want to do, and nothing can change your mind, but at the same time, you are easily convinced if you we talk to you with logic and reason!
You are not demanding, your best toy are your cars!
You love your garage and spend lot of time leading cars up and down the ramps!
You love to cuddle with your dad and to play in our bed, crawling  between us and hiding under the sheets!

You still don’t express your love, you hate hugs and what you hate more are kisses!
I steel a hug every day before you go to school and I feel your arms around my neck for a split of seconds before you run away with your dad!
I love you so much and my wishes to you on this day are filling my heart and my soul and I know Allah is listening…
I’ve been having same wishes since I knew you exist!

You and your father are my greatest gift from Allah, all I hope is that I’m giving you the time, the attention and the love you both deserve…

I spend as much time with you as I can, I play with you, sit on the ground, so silly things that you enjoy, we paint together and learn new things…
And when you fall sleep, you dad and I miss you so much.
We don’t stop talking about you!
Then I sit at your bed, shower you with kisses, relaxed that I will hear no no’s! that you will not run away, that I can hold you and smell you as long as I would!
And then I open my eyes the next morning, with your eyes looking at mine, pushing me to wake up…the most amazing alarm in the world…
I get up, I hug you and my world shines , even when it’s still dark outside…

Happy Birthday Ghadi!


  1. i hate u for making me look forward to be a mom now!!!! bakiiir
    - Mira :)
